Stone Skimmer, the original stone skimming game – Coming soon to the App store

App111Intereactive is in the process of releasing a unique game for all the beach lovers. Stone Skimmer is designed to bring the popular sport of stone skimming on the gaming devices. App111Interactive, the producers of this unique game, are all set to launch this exciting game on App store in the near future.

The producers are currently working to put finishing touches to the game and release it on the popular platform of the iOS. The first look of the game looks highly promising. The gameplay sounds entertaining and very challenging. The goal of the game is to skim the stone successfully across the water surface, taking utmost care it does not get sunk in the water. The players also get various unique targets over the journey to collect, and get rewarded with trophies for the successfully collecting all the targets. This never ending game looks charming and sophisticated to play on the breathtaking iPhone.

App111Interactive has meticulously designed every detail to successfully create this stone skimming game. Moreover, the game will feature superb sound score and eye-catching visual effects. The game is believed to be the first ever game which will accurately capture the art of stone skimming on a mobile game. Judging from the screenshots of the game, the game looks stunningly beautiful.

The official release date of the game is still not disclosed by the studio, but they have promised the gamers that the game shall be available soon for them to enjoy. Gamers across the world are eagerly waiting to play this exquisite skimming game on their iOS devices.

1 comment :

  1. For you,re information..

    For the a #stoneskimmer in all of us!!!

    Over the past weekend the 15th annual #World #Stone #Championships took place on the picturesque island of Easdale in Argyll, drawing over just under 400 entrants that came from across the U.K, Europe and beyond. It has been mentioned that travel guide giant Lonely Planet listed the event as being one of the must see sporting events in 2012 – yes that’s right, even up there with the #London #Olympics!

    If you’re not familiar with the ancient art of #stone #skimming, it involves the throwing of flat stones across still water so they bounce across the surface as far as possible. What’s that you say? You never learned how to #skim a stone growing up? The BBC recently posted this video on ‘how to be a #stoneskimming #champion‘ you might want to watch if you plan on entering in the 16th edition of the World Stone Skimming Champs at Easdale next year!

    If you consider yourself a champion at #stoneskimming why not download #stoneskimmer on the app store and get practising.Its a free app, but be warned,like #Flappybirds its hard and its highly addictive.

    The team
    Photo: For you,re information..

    For the a #stoneskimmer in all of us!!!

    Over the past weekend the 15th annual #World #Stone #Championships took place on the picturesque island of Easdale in Argyll, drawing over just under 400 entrants that came from across the U.K, Europe and beyond. It has been mentioned that travel guide giant Lonely Planet listed the event as being one of the must see sporting events in 2012 – yes that’s right, even up there with the #London #Olympics!

    If you’re not familiar with the ancient art of #stone #skimming, it involves the throwing of flat stones across still water so they bounce across the surface as far as possible. What’s that you say? You never learned how to #skim a stone growing up? The BBC recently posted this video on ‘how to be a #stoneskimming #champion‘ you might want to watch if you plan on entering in the 16th edition of the World Stone Skimming Champs at Easdale next year!

    If you consider yourself a champion at #stoneskimming why not download #stoneskimmer on the app store and get practising.Its a free app, but be warned,like #Flappybirds its hard and its highly addictive.

    The team
